Do Dooni Pyaar the Star Plus television show produced by Rashmi Sharma Productions has seen engaging drama with Lalita (Sonia Shrivastava) feeling offended with Kalyani Kashyap’s (Nayani Dutt) humiliation on the day of the engagement. Kalyani got to know that Ganga (Shivika Pathak) is her daughter and that she hid the truth from her for her own benefit. She belittled Lalita and her family and stopped the engagement. Lalita as we know, planned the Pakadwa wedding of Abhay (Gourav Sharma) with Ganga. Ritu got upset about it and left the house with all the jewellery bought for the occasion.

The upcoming drama will again get intensified when Lalita’s brother will hire Akshay (Goutam Sharma) for the job of kidnapping Abhay. Akshay will refuse to do the task of kidnapping, but he will be forced to commit to the task. Akshay and his men will proceed and get Abhay cornered on the road so that they can kidnap him.

As we know, Abhay and Akshay are identical twins separated at birth. Now that destiny has brought them almost face-to-face, it will be interesting to see how the track proceeds further.

What will happen next?

Do Dooni Pyaar showcases the journey of Ganga and sheds light on the topic of forced marriage. Based in the city of Sonepur, Bihar, the Star Plus show is a tale of a girl named Ganga who has been neglected by her family since childhood and how, by twist of fate, Ganga gets married to Abhay, who hails from a rich and well-educated family as a result of Pakadwa Vivah. This is the time when the audience will witness a twist that will create an element of confusion and comedy as Abhay has a twin brother, Akash.