Do Dooni Pyaar the Star Plus television show produced by Rashmi Sharma Productions has seen engaging drama with Ganga (Shivika Pathak) getting an entry into the Kashyap house when she fainted outside the house. Abhay (Gourav Sharma) expressed his desire to annul the wedding as soon as possible. Ganga pleaded before Kalyani Kashyap (Nayani Dixit) to not annul her marriage. Amidst this, Ritu (Aleya Ghosh) faced the big question mark of whether to be in a marriage with Akshay (Goutam Sharma) or not.

The upcoming episode will see Ganga doing the saviour act when she will save Dadi’s life after she will take an overdose of her tablets. Ganga will be of timely help when she will forcefully make Dadi vomit the medicines. Abhay will be worried as Ganga will be doing all things right in the house. He will use the opportunity and reveal his love life to his mother. He will tell Kalyani about being in love with Sakshi for a long time. He will tell his mother that she might not like it but it is important for him to be married to the girl he loves. He will express the desire to marry Sakshi soon after annulling his marriage with Ganga.

What will happen next?

Do Dooni Pyaar showcases the journey of Ganga and sheds light on the topic of forced marriage. Based in the city of Sonepur, Bihar, the Star Plus show is a tale of a girl named Ganga who has been neglected by her family since childhood and how, by twist of fate, Ganga gets married to Abhay, who hails from a rich and well-educated family as a result of Pakadwa Vivah. This is the time when the audience will witness a twist that will create an element of confusion and comedy as Abhay has a twin brother, Akshay.