Doree 2 the Colors television show produced by Jay Productions has seen the launch of its much-anticipated show with the return of Doree to Varanasi after doing a course in design. She aspires to create a brand of her own ‘Kashikala’ which will bring recognition to the Bunker Mohalla women. However, she arrived in her hometown amid a big chaos where her father Ganga (Amar Upadhyay) was injured while saving a girl child from being killed. Her father’s words were to save the kid and that is what Doree did. She rescued the kid and also admitted her father to the hospital.
The upcoming episode will see Doree being questioned by the villagers who will be provoked by Neelu. Doree in order to save the kid and give it an identity, and follow her father’s advice, will tell all that the kid is her daughter. However, in doing so, Doree will face a lot of adversities but will take it upon herself to protect the kid. She will take responsibility happily for the sake of her father.
What will happen next?
Produced by Jay Productions, Doree created waves as it talked at length about the societal issue of the girl child abandonment. Now, Kinnari Mehta and Jay Mehta have launched Doree 2 on Colors, wherein the grown-up Doree and her trials and tribulations will form the crux of the story, and Doree’s fighting spirit will be dealt with. In Doree 2, Priyanshi Yadav and Ishaan Dhawan will be the new leads.