Doree the Colors television show produced by Jay Productions has seen engaging drama with Doree (Mahi Bhanushali) aka Bhola questioning Mansi (Toral Rasputra) about the girl child that was born to her. As we know, Mansi was worried as another sacrifice was being made in the house, this time by Agni. She was recollecting the dreadful past where one such sacrifice forced her to give away her newborn girl child. Bhola who overheard this, questioned Mansi.
The coming episode will see Komal (Haelyn Shastri) overhearing this talk between Bhola and Mansi. She will call everyone in the house, and will reveal before all that Mansi and Anand had a daughter whom Anand killed. Bhola will be listenting to the entire revelation. Anand will point out to Kailashi and her dirty thoughts being the reason why he killed his daughter. Agni will get livid and will hold Anand by his collar. Also, Agni will be for the first time getting angry at Kailashi Devi for her dirty thoughts and the crime of killing many new born girl babies.
Doree Ep 156 16th April Written Episode Update
Mansi pleaded with Agni to not give the aahuti of Chinni as it will lead to another big crime.
What will happen next?
The social drama ‘Doree’ traces the story of a six-year-old girl named Doree, who lives with her foster father, Ganga Prasad (role essayed by Amar Upadhyay) in the Bunkar mohalla, Varanasi. While Ganga Prasad counts himself lucky to have a daughter, the ruler of Varanasi’s handloom empire, Kailashi Devi Thakur deems daughters as unworthy. Set against the backdrop of Varanasi, the makers decided to shoot a few sequences in the holy city of Varanasi.