Doree the Colors television show produced by Jay Productions has seen engaging drama with Doree’s (Mahi Bhanushali) life being in danger with Anand and Neelu packing her up in a bag and throwing her in the cremation ground. As we know, Ganga (Amar Upadhyay) happened to chance by the ground and saw a glimpse of Doree. On the other hand, we saw Mansi fight for Doree at the hands of Anand.
The upcoming episode will see Ganga saving Doree and also remembering his past. He will get his memory back and will remember Doree as his daughter. He will be filled with emotions as Doree will get back her consciousness. It will be an emotional union for the father and daughter. Doree will ask her father to promise to always stay with her and never forget her. Ganga will promise Doree. They will have a happy time together as they will visit the temple to offer their prayers.
Doree Ep 168 28th April Written Episode Update
Neelu and Anand rendered Doree unconscious and packed her up in a sack bag and threw the bag in the cremation ground. Ganga happened to go by the way and spotted the bag.
What will happen next?
The social drama ‘Doree’ traces the story of a six-year-old girl named Doree, who lives with her foster father, Ganga Prasad (role essayed by Amar Upadhyay) in the Bunkar mohalla, Varanasi. While Ganga Prasad counts himself lucky to have a daughter, the ruler of Varanasi’s handloom empire, Kailashi Devi Thakur deems daughters as unworthy. Set against the backdrop of Varanasi, the makers decided to shoot a few sequences in the holy city of Varanasi.