&TV’s Paramavatar Shri Krishna (Peninsula Pictures) never fails to entertain audience with intriguing drama.
Now, in the episodes to come, viewers will witness a demon attacking the village.
As per a source, “Kans (Manish Wadhwa) will call Mustika to terrorize Vrindavan and send the demon to the village. The demon will be so powerful that no one would be able to kill it not even Kanha (Nirnay Samadhiya).
Meanwhile, the demon will reach the village. Kanha and Arjun would be busy having butter in the jungle. The demon will rip apart the village and try to put it in lava. Kanha, Arjun and Balram will try to stop but eventually he would fail.
How will Kanha stop the terror?
We buzzed the actors, but could not get through to them.
Watch this space for more updates.