Durga aur Charu the Colors show produced by Shashi Sumeet Productions has seen exciting drama with Bholi’s attack being counter-attacked by Durga (Aurra Bhatnagar Badoni) and Charu (Vaishnavi Prajapati) who is in disguise of Chaturbhuj.

Charu aims to find the secret related to Baake from Bholi. She does all that it takes to win the confidence and trust of Bholi so that she can dig into Bholi’s secret and get it out from her. As we know, Durga and Charu joined hands in bringing Chumki back from the kidnap spot. However, the police mentioned to the Roy Choudhary family that it was the sole lone effort of Durga to save Chumki’s life. This helped Durga gain back the confidence of her family.

However, the coming episode will see Chumki ruining the moment for Charu. Chumki will thank Chaturbhuj and confide about him helping Durga save her. This will create a big doubt in Bholi’s mind for Chaturbhuj.

Will Bholi find out about Chaturbhuj being Charu?