Durga the Colors television show produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen engaging drama with Anurag (Aashay Mishra) and Durga (Pranali Rathod) meeting after Durga passed her exam with flying colours. Though Durga hesitated to accept that she was in love with Anurag, Anurag told her that they would always be together, even if they were not able to marry. We saw Rajesh seeing them together and complaining about their closeness with Paani Bai (Indira Krishnan) and the entire family. Paani Bai warned Durga to stay away from Anurag.

The upcoming episode will see Durga being upset and worried about the thought of the family stopping her from studying further. She will be determined to pursue her studies even if it means leaving the house. On the other hand, Anurag will overhear Paani Bai giving his father the advice of getting Durga married soon.

Durga and Anurag will meet for one last time before Anurag would get ready to go back to his college and hostel. Durga will pray for him at the temple and will give him prasad in the form of a flower which he will place inside his book. Anurag will put his ring on Durga’s hand, and the two will have a teary adieu, worrying about their future together.

What will happen next?

Durga, is the story about a tribal girl challenging societal norms to pursue a medical career and her love for royal heir Anurag while facing opposition from powerful tribal woman Paani Bai. Starring Pranali Rathod as Durga, Indira Krishnan as Paani Bai, and Aashay Mishra as Anurag, the show airs on Colors and is produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures.