Durga the Colors television show produced by Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen engaging drama with Durga (Pranali Rathod) getting married to Rajesh (Rishi Kaushik) amid huge drama. As we know, Anurag (Aashay Mishra) tried to elope with Durga, but they got caught. Durga wanted to save Anurag’s life from misery, hence opted to marry Rajesh, and in the process, hurt Anurag a lot. We saw Anurag witnessing the wedding of Durga and Rajesh. We also wrote about Anurag’s mother questioning Durga on what forced her to take such a drastic step.

The upcoming episode will see Durga falling from the eyes of the ladies in Anurag’s family. They will refuse to bless her. Anurag’s mother will tell her never to come back to the haveli. It will be an emotional bidaai for Durga where she will not get blessings from the very people who raised her and gave her the right to education.

Meanwhile, the episode will also show Anurag going to the wish tree where their names are etched. He will remember the good old times and the promises they made to each other. He will cry seeing the wish tree ad he will be harrowed by Durga’s thoughts.

What will happen next?

Durga, is the story about a tribal girl challenging societal norms to pursue a medical career and her love for royal heir Anurag while facing opposition from powerful tribal woman Paani Bai. Starring Pranali Rathod as Durga, Indira Krishnan as Paani Bai, and Aashay Mishra as Anurag, the show airs on Colors and is produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures.