Durga the Colors television show produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures has seen engaging drama with Durga (Pranali Rathod) saving the girl’s life after treating her on time, much against the wishes and order of Paani Bai (Indira Krishnan). We also wrote about Paani Bai being worried over the closeness of Anurag (Aashay Mishra) and Durga and asked Vikram to get Durga married to Rajesh (Rishi Kaushik). Anurag overheard this and told Durga about the family deciding to get her married. Anurag suggested that they run away from home, but Durga disagreed as her career goal of becoming a doctor was a priority to her. Anurag was worried about their future but Durga was adamant about not running away with him.

The upcoming episode will see Durga and Anurag exchanging vows and exchanging garlands at a temple. Paani Bai who will witness this shocking scene will order Rajesh to kidnap Durga. Rajesh will kidnap Durga and will plan to marry her discretely without Anurag knowing of it.

What will happen now?

Durga, is the story about a tribal girl challenging societal norms to pursue a medical career and her love for royal heir Anurag while facing opposition from powerful tribal woman Paani Bai. Starring Pranali Rathod as Durga, Indira Krishnan as Paani Bai, and Aashay Mishra as Anurag, the show airs on Colors and is produced by Leena Gangopadhyay’s Magic Moments Motion Pictures.