Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus television show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Rajat (Hitesh Bhardwaj) being worried over the real identity of Sai. As we know, Arsh has instigated Rajat and told him that Sai is his daughter and not Rajat’s daughter. This has irked Rajat and he has been behaving weirdly at home. Rajat got into a tangle with Sai when he accidentally pushed her. Savi (Bhavika Sharma) argued with Rajat for his rude behaviour. Later, a tense Rajat brought home another kid and not Sai from school. Rajat’s father ordered a #MissionBoycottRajat which the family followed. Savi was angry at Rajat and did not talk to him.

We also saw Rajat finally deciding to take the DNA test of Sai. He used her nail samples for the test, but ultimately decided not to get it done, as Sai was close to him and he believed that she was his daughter.

Amidst all this drama, the upcoming episode will see a shocker with little Sai not being seen in the house. Savi will get worried for her. The family will search for Sai everywhere, but will not find her. Savi will get perturbed. Savi and Rajat’s father will call the police for investigation.

What will happen next?

Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin which had Neil Bhatt, Ayesha Singh and Aishwarya Sharma playing the leads had a successful run. The Jodi of SaiRat got famous. Later, the show took a generation leap and with it, the leads changed. Shakti Arora, Bhavika Sharma and Sumit Singh played the leads. However, the death of Ishaan brought in Hitesh Bhardwaj into the story line. Savi is being played by Bhavika Sharma.