Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen an emotional rollercoaster of Virat (Neil Bhatt) being in dire straits with his health being critical before the surgery. With Virat recuperating well post the surgery, he will regain consciousness. However, the pain of him being alone will make him very weak. We wrote about how Sai (Ayesha Singh) will be in the receiving end with him asking her not to take care of him and go out of the room. We also saw him cutting all ties with his family by pointing to them their mistake.

Virat will be pained with all that is happening with him. He will not be able to forgive the fact that nobody in his family, including his wife believed in him. While Sai will weep over her misery of being sent out by Virat, Virat will in his hospital bed cry over all that he has lost.

Who will break the ice now? How will Sai and Virat get together?

A lot of questions to be answered. Only time will tell.