Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the shocking development at Sadanand’s (Vineet Kumar Chaudhary) place wherein Sai (Ayesha Singh) has been kept tied. Virat (Neil Bhatt) came to rescue her and put himself in grave problem.
Sai will be stuck in the midst of landmines. While the police will arrest Sada, Virat will decide to climb on top of a tree to save Sai. Though Virat will rescue Sai, he will fall on the landmine which will burst and he will sustain injuries.
We wrote about how Sai was told by the doctor of Virat being critical. Sai will immediately recollect parting with her mangalsutra and will want it back with her.
She will get hysterical, will keep weeping and will go to the Chavan house and ask Ashwini to give her back her mangalsutra. Ashwini will tell Sai that she threw it out of her window pane. Sai will spot her mangalsutra hanging on top of the tree. She will immediately climb the tree even while her family and passers-by will stop her.
Sai will daringly climb the tree and secure the Mangalsutra in her hand.
Will Sai’s dedication and prayers save Virat?