Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment is seeing the vivacious Holi celebrations in the Chavan house. Sai (Ayesha Singh) has indeed made the occasion brighter by bringing Virat (Neil Bhatt) to participate in it. Virat has been intoxicated by the bhaang mixed modaks that he has had, and this has brought him back to his usual bubbly self.

The coming episode will see amazing dance performances coming from Virat and Sai. Sai will start to dance on the famous Sami number from the film Pushpa when Virat will join her. The two of them will dance in style, and this will make the whole family happy.

While Sai will be happy to see Virat rejoicing as normal with his family, Pakhi will be angry at the fact that the occasion is yet again bringing together Sai and Virat.