Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama wherein Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai (Ayesha Singh) have had their shares of differences. There were happy moments when Virat gifted Sai a ruby pendant, but Sai gave it away to Bhavani, which upset Virat.

Now Sai is gearing up for a big performance along with her classmate at her college event. She wants her family to come and witness her program.

Meanwhile, Virat is feeling jealous as Sai has been talking a lot about her friend Agastya who she is dancing with at the event.

In the coming time, there will be a splendid sequence wherein Sai will be describing her dance to Virat. Virat who will be envious of her dancing with another male, will want to prove a point to Sai.

This will result in Virat dancing for Sai.

Yes, this will be a very cute moment indeed!!

Are you all eager to see Virat step into his dancing shoes and enthrall Sai? Will Sai get impressed?