Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Virat (Neil Bhatt) organizing the birthday of Sai (Ayesha Singh) in a grand manner. Sai got a very pleasant surprise when she came home and saw all the grandeur in the house.

Sai is happy to be celebrating her birthday with her family. We also saw how Pakhi created a big drama that resulted in Sai getting hurt.

Now in the coming episode, Sai will be nursed by Virat after she would get injured. The surprise galore for Sai will not stop there as Virat would have invited Sai’s friends from college too for the party.

However, Virat will again get insecure in the presence of Ajinkya. Bhavani and others will also notice the closeness that Sai has with Ajinkya and will make a big deal of it.

Virat will also get upset with Sai when she will ignore him while having fun with her friends.

Will the presence of Ajinkya at the party make way for bigger drama?