Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) pushed to the threshold of sorrow as she now firmly believes that Virat (Neil Bhatt) is in an affair with Shruti. We wrote about how the family questioned Virat when they got to know that he booked a hotel room in which he had mentioned Shruti as his wife. While the family wanted answers, Virat stood firm and said that he is not betraying them, but will need time to speak up. He requested them not to jump to any conclusions and wait for him to speak up. But the volatile ambience in the house gave way to them not trusting Virat.
The coming episodes will see Sai having an emotional breakdown post this and revealing to the Chavan family that she has decided to move on in life and move out of the house.
The Chavan family will butt in to take a drastic decision. They will join in to support Sai and will tell her that if need be, they will support her and will not think twice about throwing Virat out of the house.
Will Virat be thrown out of the Chavan house?
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