Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Virat (Neil Bhatt) struggling to hide the truth about Shruti (Falaq Naaz) before Sai (Ayesha Singh). Sai had in fact created a chaos during the celebration kept for her success in her exams. With Virat being out of the house even during the party, Sai got angry and blasted at Shruti for calling Virat.
This brought in a fight between Virat and Sai. We also wrote about how Virat hinted to Sai that he is in a major problem and that might lose his job too.
The coming episodes will be disastrous for Virat as he will face the wrath of Sai. Sai will go on to believe that Virat has an affair going with Shruti. She along with the family will also think that Shruti is pregnant with Virat’s kid.
She will decide to confront Virat.
What will happen next?