Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama at Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) birthday party. Initially, it was Pakhi’s drama that garnered all the eyeballs. Later, Sai enjoyed the party as Virat came up with huge surprises for her. But ultimately, Virat was unhappy with Agastya grabbing all of Sai’s attention when he and his friends came to meet her.

However, post the party, Sai and Virat will have a moment of their own. Virat will express his insecurity over Agastya’s presence in Sai’s life. But moments later, Virat will be happy when Sai will list out Virat’s surprises for her.

Virat will take this opportunity to express his love for Sai. He will present her the ring once again and will even put it on her finger. But Sai will tell him that she can accept the ring only if it is a birthday gift as she does not want any other relationship beyond it to start with Virat.


Virat will be a heartbroken man and will even have tears in his eyes. He will, however, hide his feelings.

When will Sai and Virat express love?