Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) heartbreak when Virat (Neil Bhatt) refused to answer the questions posed about Shruti by her and the family. Virat has maintained total silence, but has only told the family to give him some time to speak up. He also assured that he is not doing anything wrong to harm his relationship with Sai. But none of them believes Virat.
The coming drama will see Sai again questioning Virat on who Shruti is. She will decide to walk out of his room again, and will be very sarcastic in her words to Virat.
Sai will be pestered by a few in the Chavan family to go and meet Shruti and clarify everything before taking any drastic decision.
Sai will also make up her mind to meet Shruti. As we know, Shruti has given birth to her son Sahas, and Virat has been taking care of both Shruti and Sahas at the hospital.
What will happen now?