Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) being in a critical condition after suffering grave injuries in the landmine blast. Sai (Ayesha Singh) who repents all her deeds against Virat, reveals the entire truth to the Chavan family. We wrote about the daring act of Sai in recovering the mangalsutra of hers, from a tree.
However, the coming episode will see Sai being blamed by the Chavans. The entire Chavan family will break down on hearing the fact produced by Sai. They will be shocked and appalled to know that they did not side with their son but believed more in Sai’s words. While Ashvini will break down and will feel really bad at what she did to her son, Bhavani and others will point fingers at Sai.
They will question Sai’s trust towards Virat. Things will go out of control when Devyani who loves Sai dearly, will slap Sai.
Will Sai have to go through her ordeal before the Chavan family?