Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Virat (Neil Bhatt) falling low in the eyes of his family and seniors at the workplace. We wrote about how everyone around him believes that Virat is the father of Shruti’s child.

We also wrote about how his seniors at work have warned him to come clean in his explanation failing which he will be ousted from work.

When Sai will get to know of this new problem for Virat she will be in pain. The love for him in her will surface without her knowing of it. She will think of the times when Virat had saved her life, and had done all that he could to resurrect her life after Aabha’s death. She will decide to do one big sacrifice for him.

She will decide to divorce Virat so that Virat can prove his innocence in front of his seniors at work.


What will Sai tell Virat now?