Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama during Holi wherein Sai (Ayesha Singh) made the impossible possible by making Virat (Neil Bhatt) enjoy the Holi festivities along with them. However, when Virat came out of the Bhang effect, he realized what had happened and accused his mother of mixing bhang in sweets. However, Sai made it clear that she was the one who did so.

The coming episode will see Virat talking to this senior officer for his job transfer. He will request him to make it happen so that he can join work and be at peace, away from his family. This decision of Virat will break the hearts of his family, especially his mother.

Sai will plead with Virat to not go out of the house. Virat will warn Sai that she should not stop his transfer from happening, and if she played spoilsport, he will kill himself.


What will happen next?