Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen an engaging drama with the Chavans seeing Virat (Neil Bhatt) with a kid in the hospital where Bhavani has been admitted. On further probing, they will find out that the kid Sahas’ father is Virat Chavan and will be shocked. They will even go and meet Shruti (Shafaq Naaz) as written by us earlier, and will accuse her of ruining many lives and families. But with both Virat and Shruti remaining silent, hell will break loose.
On the other hand, Virat who has taken a leave of absence for quite long from service will get summoned for questioning. He will be told by his senior to explain his position clearly so that they know his intentions. The seniors will threaten Virat that if he would fail to explain his case, he will have to lose his cop job.
What will Virat do now?