Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the absorbing drama of Virat (Neil Bhatt) being critical, and getting better after Sai (Ayesha Singh) succeeded in getting the life-saving injection. Virat’s surgery gets successful and the family is happy about it.
However, the anger towards Sai will continue to erupt in the Chavan household. Bhavani will not allow Sai to come near Virat, but Sai will get a job in the hospital and assist Virat. She will continue to stay in his room, taking care of him. However, she will have a confrontation with Pakhi, where the latter will put her down in her words.
Later, Virat will regain consciousness and will be angry at Sai. He will refuse to know her and will say that his wife had divorced him, and that he does not know her.
What will happen next?