Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) deciding to give Virat (Neil Bhatt) a divorce so that he can give a legal and valid name to his relationship with Shruti, and that can save him from losing his job. Sai has come to the Chavan house as we know, and has talked about it with Virat’s family. While most of them in the family support Sai and are worried for her, Sai will face the uphill task of talking about the divorce to Virat.

Sai as we wrote, will gulp down her sorrow and will ask Virat to sign on the divorce papers. Virat too will not talk about it to Sai, and will try to deal with it by hiding his feelings.

We hear that the coming episode will see Virat signing on the divorce papers.


What next for Sai and Virat? Only time will tell.