Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) walking out of the Chavan house after she got the deceit coming from Virat (Neil Bhatt). As we know, Virat is concerned for Shruti’s health after her delivery. We know of Sai and Pulkit being given the charge of operating on Shruti.
In the hospital, Sai was shocked to see Virat and Shruti together and was pained all the more to know that Virat has a kid. However, Sai will put aside her personal grief and will gear up for Shruti’s surgery with Pulkit and do it. Shruti will be safe and on the road to recovery soon.
However, Virat will be cornered in his house by his family. They will throw a big bomb at him and will ask him to choose between Sai and Shruti or else walk out of the house.
What will happen now?