Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) trying her best to get Bhavani, Omi and Ninad watch her dance program at college. She has in fact summoned a fake police team to threaten and bring them to the college.
With her plan working, Sai will be all tensed. However, Virat (Neil Bhatt) will calm her down and will try to salvage the situation. He will ask Sai to give her best at her performance.
The result will be a wonderful one, with Sai giving an extremely amazing performance. All present will comment that this was a memorable performance that they will cherish all life.
And for Virat, his reactions will be something that the audience should look out for! He will be stunned and left speechless at Sai’s performance.
Are you excited to watch Sai’s act?