Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the big union of Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai (Ayesha Singh). The two of them got married amid big drama where Bhavani asked Sai to choose between her ambition of becoming a doctor and getting married to Virat.
However, Virat chose marriage for Sai and asked her to place all her trust in him. Now with Sai and Virat heading towards a new future with their marriage happening, viewers will have a lot of romance to look forward to.
However, the coming episode will see Pakhi getting hysterical after the marriage between Virat and Sai. She will go into her room and will start to break things. Even Samrat will be witness to Patralekha’s mad act, of crying in pain.
Pakhi will also curse Sai that she will never be happy with Virat after marriage.
What will happen next?