Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) deciding to divorce Virat (Neil Bhatt) to save him of more ridicule and humiliation at work for cheating on his wife and having an affair outside marriage. Sai wants to save Virat from losing his job.

Sai has called Virat to the Chavan house. She too reaches the Chavan house and explains to the family that she is divorcing Virat. All of them are shocked.

The coming episode will see Virat being in a spot of bother yet again when he will enter his house again, this time unwillingly. He will again be embarrassed by his family and will be looked down upon.

Sai will tell Virat the reason for her calling him. Virat will be in tears when Sai will talk about divorcing him. She will come with the divorce papers in hand. Virat will be extremely dejected and will not know how to react.

What will happen now?