Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen an exuberating drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) bumping into his childhood friend Sadanand (Nivaan Sen) at the mall. Virat has realized that Sada has turned into a terrorist and the police are looking for him. This actually breaks Virat’s heart and he has been sad about it.
Now in the coming drama, Sai (Ayesha Singh) will see Virat being sad and will motivate him by giving him a treat. Also, Sai will get readmission in the college and this will call for a happy moment.
Sai will plan and organize a party on the terrace with green tea. Virat and Sai will have a cute date, wherein they will share cute memories of the past.
While Virat will talk about his friends, Sai will talk about her father and her rapport.
Meanwhile, Pakhi will watch this moment and will weep seeing Sai and Virat’s happiness.