Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) getting back to the Chavan house. Ashwini has created a new opportunity for Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai to know each other better.
While Sai and Virat start a new bond of friendship, the two of them will be happy to let the other in their own space. Sai will seek Virat’s help to set her room. She will order him left right and centre and Virat will be tired after setting up Sai’s room. But seeing Sai in a happy zone, Virat will also feel happy.
Sai and Virat will later give each other cute nicknames. Virat will want Sai not to call him as Virat Sir. Sai will end up calling Virat with a new nickname ‘Modak’. Virat too will give Sai a nickname that of ‘Mirchi’.
The two of them will feel happy calling each other by these names.
Are you liking Sai and Virat’s new bond of friendship?