Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen a major drama with Pakhi (Aishwarya Sharma) inviting all the members in Chavan Niwas for her parent’s wedding anniversary, except for Sai (Ayesha Singh). However, Virat (Neil Bhatt) will handle the situation maturely and will tell Pakhi that he will be coming along with Sai.
Even though Sai will want to rebel, Virat will handle her tactfully. In the evening, Sai will take the help of Ashwini to get ready. She will look extremely pretty when Virat will come in and taunt Sai jokingly about her looks.
Sai will feel bad about it and the two of them will have a cute fight. While Sai will refuse to go to the event, Virat will get angry. However, Sai will constantly blabber about coming home early, and that will be when Virat will get the answer from Sai that she wants to go. Virat will also get ready and the two of them will feel happy about going together to the event.
What will be the drama to come in the event?