Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat (Neil Bhatt) being instructed by Bhavani to get back to staying in a single room. She has also ordered that the two of them give the family a kid in one year.
While Sai and Virat have handled this development in a very mature way, we saw both of them having a conversation wherein Virat explained to Sai how they should handle what comes their way with all grit.
We know of Ashwini trying to talk to Bhavani to relax the order that she has put for Sai and Virat. However, Bhavani will make Ashwini think further when she will question her on whether she will be fine if her son is into such an arrangement in marriage for all his life. This will further prompt Ashwini to think.
She will talk to Virat and Sai and give them golden advice on parenting. She will tell them that Bhavani is right in her own way, as for every couple who is married, the next goal in life will be to embrace parenthood.
Ashwini will tell them to be comfortable in their own zone till they want. She will also tell Sai that becoming a mother is a beautiful phenomenon and every woman should go through it.
Ashwini’s golden advice will leave Sai and Virat puzzled.