Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) and Sai (Ayesha Singh) getting married. Post the wedding, Bhavani gets irked when Virat changes his name to Virat Sai Chavan, as the family wants Sai’s name to be changed.
As we know, during the wedding, when Bhavani put forth a deal of Sai having to leave aside her ambition of becoming a doctor, Virat had agreed to it without asking Sai. He had told her to trust him.
Now the coming episode will see Virat telling Sai that he lied to Bhavani and that she will continue with her medical practice.
Sai will not be able to digest this lie and will want to tell Bhavani about it, but Virat will stop her.
The coming track will see Bhavani Tai deciding to take Virat and Sai, along with Rajeev and Shivani and the family to the Kul Devi Mandir wherein the newlyweds will seek blessings.
Sai and Virat will be eager to go to the temple and start their new life.
What will happen next?