Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai’s (Ayesha Singh) playful act in calling Bhavani, Omi and Ninad to her college event to witness her dance. She had faked her accident and a probable death to call them over.
We at have written about Sai’s magnificent dance performance on stage. We wrote about Virat’s (Neil Bhatt) stunning reaction to Sai’s dance.
Well, we hear that the makers have yet another dancing treat for the loyal viewers of the show!!
Yes, that will be a medley coming from Sairat, that is Sai and Virat, on stage!!
Getting into some amazing retro gets ups, Virat and Sai’s duet dance numbers will be a visual treat. The makers have put in a lot of effort in making this performance of Neil Bhatt and Ayesha Singh lovable!!
Are you all ready for this double dose of dance action coming from Virat and Sai?
Will this happen for reality? Or is it a dream?
Check out a glimpse of the pictures of the dance here.