Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) and Virat (Neil Bhatt) joining hands for a mission. The mission now is the wedding of Rajeev (Sachin Shroff) and Shivani (Tanvi Thakkar).

As we know, Sai wanted Virat to help her in this cause. Sai will threaten the stubborn Virat that she will not give her exams if he does not help her in convincing the family for the wedding.

Now, with Virat accepting to help Sai, Sai will be overjoyed. Virat will soon think of a plan and this will make Sai very excited. Sai will call Virat her ‘hero’ and will also hug him. Virat will for a second forget their differences and will feel good to be with Sai. Sai will further tell Virat to support her in all ways, even if it is fake, till the time the wedding of Rajeev and Shivani gets conducted.

What will happen next?