Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) questioning his father Ninad over his bad behaviour towards his mother. It is to be noted that Ninad and Ashwini have never had a good married life, and they have only carried on their responsibility as parents. Ninad in particular has always been treating his wife badly.
We wrote about how Virat and Sai (Ayesha Singh) will desire to celebrate the wedding anniversary of theirs, but will find objection to it. Virat will question his father about his unruly behaviour towards his mother.
At the same time, Virat will be angry at himself for not reacting to what he has been seeing for years. He will stop eating and will be seated all alone, weeping. Sai will try to comfort him and ask him to blurt out what he has been thinking.
Virat will pour out his emotions before Sai and will tell her that he has never been a good son. He could have taken a stand for his mother years back, but never cared to intervene and question his father.
Will Virat be able to get over this guilt?