Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Sai (Ayesha Singh) getting back to Gadchiroli after exposing the Chavans and after getting Pulkit and Devyani getting married. However, the turn of events saw Virat (Neil Bhatt) getting to know the truth and he has gone to Gadchiroli to apologize to Sai.
The heated confrontation of Sai and Virat will be a breathtaking one as Virat will do all that he would want to plead to Sai for her return. But Sai will be adamant and will count on Virat’s mistakes.
It will be a heart wrenching moment when Sai will free Virat of her responsibility and promise that he made to her father.
Will Virat give up?
We have written about Barkha being instrumental in making Sai and Virat realize their closeness. Let us see what happens.