Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen a huge drama with Bhavani, Ninad and Omkar succeeding in making everyone believe that Pulkit (Yash Pandit) is a fraud. However, Sai (Ayesha Singh) has got to know of their real motive and has been trying to trap the place where Pulkit has been trapped.

With the help of Madhuri, Sai tried to trace the place where Pulkit has been kept, by following Ninad and Omkar’s car. However, Sai’s track will get lost when she will lose the car in which Omkar and Ninad are in.

However, Sai will take the bold step of not going back home and search the vicinity to know about Pulkit. Sai will send Madhuri back home, while she will decide to look for clues in the jungle.

As per a reliable source, “However, Sai will soon get scared as she will be all alone looking for a clue, in the deep jungle.”

Will Sai get into a major problem in the jungle?