Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment is seeing exciting drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) cooking up a weird story about her being mentally harassed by Bhavani, Omi and Ninad. She has sent a fake police team to catch hold of them and bring them to the event to see her performance.
We have written about how Sai will give a fabulous performance just like how Virat (Neil Bhatt) impressed her with his dance. However, just before the performance and getting up the stage, Sai will feel anxious and will worry about her future and the aftermath of what she has done with the Chavans.
She will feel something terribly wrong with herself, she will feel her stomach in trouble, she will perspire. Virat and Pulkit who will be near her will worry about Sai and will ask her if she is alright in health.
On the other side, Sai’s plan will succeed and the three of them will be shocked to know what the police told them. They will agree to come with them.
How will Sai face this truth? Will Virat help her out?