Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) boiling with anger on seeing Sai (Ayesha Singh) with her college mate Agastya in her room. It was just a coincidence that Sai got unwell and Agastya helped her out. However, Virat took it aggressively and manhandled Agastya and blamed him for having an illicit affair with Sai.
Sai will get enraged on seeing Virat’s reaction. She will rebel and will not want to give out any explanation to Virat. Virat will keep on questioning her on her relationship with Agastya. Sai will feel disgusted and will leave. The two of them will reach the road, and will continue to quarrel when Sai will be hit by a car.
Virat will rush her to the hospital where she will be declared to be critical after suffering head injuries.
While all this will happen, Virat will repent and curse himself for whatever happened to Sai.
Will Virat get an opportunity to seek forgiveness?