Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) being trapped in the death charge of Malhar post which Jagtap’s (Siddharth Bodke) entry into Sai’s life created further problems. With Jagtap intending to marry Sai and have a life with her, has was troubling the entire family a lot. Virat was trapped in a bribery case while Samrat stood as the family’s support system as he rescued Sai on many occasions from Jagtap.
Now, with happiness being back in the Chavan family, Sai will get to know that she is pregnant. Sai will also share her happy news with Virat in a very cryptic way. Virat will be in tears when he will get to know of them going to be parents.
We know of Samrat’s death happening as he will try to save Sai from Jagtap.
How and when will tragedy strike Virat and Sai?