Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen Virat’s (Neil Bhatt) recovery, with the effort that Sai (Ayesha Singh) has put in at the hospital. Virat is happy and relieved that Sai has forgiven him, after the mistake he made in ousting her out of the house. We have seen Pakhi (Aishwarya Sharma) carrying anger and hatred against Sai, when Virat stood for her and not for Pakhi.
Now in the coming drama time will come for Sai to get back home. Virat will ask Sai whether she will come back home or not. Sai will tell him that the house is not hers and that she will come only with the moral responsibility of taking care of Virat.
Meanwhile, Pakhi will carry angst against Sai and will vow to make her life miserable when she will come home.
As we have written earlier, Sai will accompany Virat home.
What will happen next?