Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) trying hard to make Virat (Neil Bhatt) participate in the Holi celebrations at home. We saw how Virat was proved innocent by the DIG talking to the press and explaining the truth to them.
The coming drama will see Sai wanting to spend time on Holi with Virat. However, Virat’s indifference will keep hurting her. As we know, Holi for Virat and his friend Sunny has always been fun to the extent of drinking bhaang and dancing to glory.
Sai will take tips from Sunny for making Holi more colourful for both of them. Sai will make Virat eat the modak that has been spiked. While Pakhi will be jealous, Sai and Virat will have one good moment of happiness.
Can the happy moment between Sai and Virat stay intact?