Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) being felicitated for topping her exam. But Virat (Neil Bhatt) is not able to make it to the event as Shruti (Shafaq Naaz) is about to deliver, and has been in a critical phase.
As we wrote, Virat faced a tough situation of choosing either the mother or kid as chances of both of their survival looked bleak. However, the kid is also safe now with Shruti delivering a baby boy.
The coming episode will add more fuel to Sai’s doubts when Sai will get to know that Virat has given his surname to Shruti.
Yes, Sai will get to know of it and will find out that many people believe that Shruti is Mrs Virat Chavan.
What will Sai’s next step be? Will she question Virat about it?