Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen the Holi celebrations kickstarting in the Chavan household. But Virat’s (Neil Bhatt) repeated refusal to take part in the festive ambience of the house, has pained his family. Sai (Ayesha Singh) as we wrote, devised a way to bring Virat into the celebrations at home.

As we will be seeing in the coming episode, Sai will bring in a battalion of officers from Virat’s team to congratulate him on his success. Along with the DIG’s help, Sai will make the boys lift Virat and they will bring him down amid the loud music being played.

Sai will be happy that Virat is part of the Holi celebrations. Also, the DIG will make a public declaration in front of the press that Virat is innocent and that he has always fulfilled his duties as a cop. Sai will proclaim that she is proud of being Virat’s wife.

Will Sai and Virat end up having a happy moment during Holi?