Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen major drama with Sai (Ayesha Singh) meeting with an accident and being in hospital. While Virat (Neil Bhatt) blames himself and his behaviour for the mess, Pulkit holds Virat responsible and has decided to take Sai to his house post-discharge.

While Sai does not want to see Virat’s face, Virat will continue to stay at the hospital. He will see to the needs of Sai without letting her know. Sai and Virat will also have a talk wherein Virat will tell Sai that he would have done something to himself if anything more had happened to her. Sai will notice the presence of Virat outside her room always.

Sai will see the concern for her in Virat’s eyes. But she will question herself as to why Virat behaved so rudely with Agastya. She will not be able to take that incident out of her mind. She will also question herself why Virat is caring for her and why did he get possessive towards her.

Is there a love confession coming?