Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with the dual weddings of Sai and Virat, and Rajeev and Shivani happening.

However, no weddings happen devoid of drama. And we have a full dose of drama here on offer. As we have written, Bhavani puts a deal in front of Sai that if she agrees to marry Virat (Neil Bhatt), she will have to stop becoming her doctor. Sai will have to kill the dreams of becoming a doctor if she marries Virat.

While Sai (Ayesha Singh) will be shocked with Bhavani’s deal, Virat will talk on behalf of Sai and will tell her that she will choose to be a bahu. Sai will be shocked but Virat will ask her to trust him and get married.

Post the wedding, Sai will question Virat about his intention of asking her to accept the deal.

What will Virat’s answer be? Will Sai be convinced?