Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin the Star Plus show produced by Cockrow and Shaika Entertainment has seen engaging drama with Virat (Neil Bhatt) returning home, not as a son but as a stranger, just to keep up to his mother’s pleas. The Chawan Nivas is happy to get their son back and stay in the same house, and they decide to celebrate Holika Dahan.

The coming episode will see the sportive side of Sai when she will get back to the Chawan house in style. Sai will come dressed up as Virat’s wife and will claim her position back. She will be seen burning the Holika pyre along with Virat.

Sai will also come up with the big revelation that she never divorced Virat and that the papers were not original. Sai will throw the fake divorce papers into the Holika fire, thus announcing her return in Virat’s life. Sai will get into the house with bag and baggage and will also vow that she will soon get into the heart of Virat too.

What will happen next?